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Ludus - Defense System

Would require some changes to Followers, mainly in how to gain them. Gladiator would now have a Ludus they can build up, which will provide some advantages, mainly passives and gaining items such as material gains, followers, coins, gems, and Runes. The Ludus would also allow for you to train defenders, that would defend your Ludus from other Gladiators attacking. Example: Spartacus starts a Ludus and is presented with some starting buildings he can construct: Training Grounds, Forge, and Bathes Training Grounds: Allows for 1 Thrall to be recruited for defense Every 24hrs, strength of Thrall increases If thrall is killed, you can then train a new Thrall Actions: Train - Costs 2 rope, 1 leather, 1 wood, 1 Doctore (more Doctore increases speed of training) Building a Training Grounds may then allow for other buildings to be constructed, or current buildings to advance. For example, to level the Training Grounds up to level 3, may require a Bathes of level 2 to be constructed first. ======== The other side of this is, you can attack/raid other Ludus now. When you attack, you must use your Gladiator to fight through any defenders the Ludus has. You only fight these defenders, not the Gladiator who owns the Ludus. If you defeat at least 1 defender, you will be rewarded, but defeating all defenders gives you a greater loot. In this your spoils will give you a percentage of accumulated coin, gems, runes, materials, and possibly followers.

CJ Wild 6 months ago

Runes / Elder Futhark

The Germanic believed in runes and glyphs, Elder Futhark, which were believed to give them blessings in battle, good luck, and even magical properties. This is the concept behind runes. Runes that can be attached to upgraded equipment that increase/enhance Skills in the Skill Tree. This would be a follow up to the new Skill Tree suggestion. Runes would come in different sizes and can be combined to create larger runes. The runes provide different skill/effect advantages based on the type of equipment they are attached to. The runes for the image would look like the old ancient runes, which were typically carved into stone or the object they were blessing. Example: Fehu: ᚠ Means: wealth Attached To: Helm: +10% coin gain in all forms Chest: +10 coins gained from Arena Feet: +1 to Abundance Skill etc… Thurisaz: ᚦ Means: Thorn, Protection Attached to: Chest: +5% increased mitigation Shield: Deal 5% damage back to attackers when guarding Feet: Reduce damage from Guard Damage (spikes, shield slam, skills) by 25% etc… Can also require a new asset/material, Ink, or use an existing to reflect it being carved or molded into equipment.

CJ Wild 6 months ago


You can take action cards and combine them to create a new technique. The resulting card will be a combination of the cards and the player can choose whether the technique created is through increased willpower or through a combined weaker technique. Rules: By combining 2 different actions you will create a technique. This costs copies of the card and a coin cost. Rare cards require 3 copies of itself. Uncommon cards require 5 copies of itself. Common cards require 10 copies of itself. Coin cost = 100 per rare, 25 per uncommon, 5 per common Technique style: Strong: willpower cost equals combined cost +1. If this would bring total above 4, then strong cannot be selected. Soft: willpower cost equals combined cost and effects from the cards are reduced by 20%. If the combined cost exceeds 4 total, its total will be 4, with the effects reduced by 50%. New Form: Choose the willpower cost, the new form will be a randomly generated skill based on the two actions. The higher the willpower, the stronger the card to be generated. Technique name: player may name their technique if they are the first to create the technique. Action Image: the new image will be a slashed combination of both actions. If a Gladiator is creating a technique that is already created, they will see some sort of notification letting them know this technique has already bee created. Possible view/board to see currently created techniques created. This will allow for over 22k new cards.

CJ Wild 6 months ago

In Progress


New system where a player can take on a quest, where they begin with a standard deck of actions and equipment. Player traverses a map, where they can fight and earn new cards and equipment. Shops, random encounters and boss fights will be part of the quest. The goal is to make it through as many stages as possible, without losing a fight. This is considered a black-box challenge, where your current progression with your character does not impact/matter. This is a challenge where all players are on the same level. Basic starting deck to start Basic equipment to start Player can choose a path to traverse on the map Fights will have multiple enemies within Winning fights rewards player with a random choice of equipment and cards they can pick from to add to their current deck/equipment. Relics can also be earned this way, though they are more rare. Shops can be visited to buy cards and equipment or to sell items Each stage ends with a boss fight, upon winning allows player to move to next stage Traversing the map requires willpower. Running out of willpower will harm your character until you can gain more back. Shops allow you to replenish willpower and also completing a stage will refresh a portion of your willpower. Losing a battle (vigor falls to 0) or running out of willpower and suffering enough damage to reduce your vigor to 0, will cause your quest run to be over. You will start over. A special type of territory map will display who is the furthest in their quests, providing daily rewards to that player. Multiple territories will eventually be opened.

Claude Wild 10 months ago