Ludus - Defense System

Would require some changes to Followers, mainly in how to gain them.

Gladiator would now have a Ludus they can build up, which will provide some advantages, mainly passives and gaining items such as material gains, followers, coins, gems, and Runes. The Ludus would also allow for you to train defenders, that would defend your Ludus from other Gladiators attacking.


Spartacus starts a Ludus and is presented with some starting buildings he can construct:

Training Grounds, Forge, and Bathes

Training Grounds:

  • Allows for 1 Thrall to be recruited for defense

  • Every 24hrs, strength of Thrall increases

  • If thrall is killed, you can then train a new Thrall

  • Actions:

    • Train - Costs 2 rope, 1 leather, 1 wood, 1 Doctore (more Doctore increases speed of training)

Building a Training Grounds may then allow for other buildings to be constructed, or current buildings to advance. For example, to level the Training Grounds up to level 3, may require a Bathes of level 2 to be constructed first.


The other side of this is, you can attack/raid other Ludus now. When you attack, you must use your Gladiator to fight through any defenders the Ludus has. You only fight these defenders, not the Gladiator who owns the Ludus.

If you defeat at least 1 defender, you will be rewarded, but defeating all defenders gives you a greater loot. In this your spoils will give you a percentage of accumulated coin, gems, runes, materials, and possibly followers.

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In Review


💡 Feature Request


5 months ago


CJ Wild

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