You can take action cards and combine them to create a new technique. The resulting card will be a combination of the cards and the player can choose whether the technique created is through increased willpower or through a combined weaker technique.
By combining 2 different actions you will create a technique. This costs copies of the card and a coin cost.
Rare cards require 3 copies of itself.
Uncommon cards require 5 copies of itself.
Common cards require 10 copies of itself.
Coin cost = 100 per rare, 25 per uncommon, 5 per common
Technique style:
Strong: willpower cost equals combined cost +1. If this would bring total above 4, then strong cannot be selected.
Soft: willpower cost equals combined cost and effects from the cards are reduced by 20%. If the combined cost exceeds 4 total, its total will be 4, with the effects reduced by 50%.
New Form: Choose the willpower cost, the new form will be a randomly generated skill based on the two actions. The higher the willpower, the stronger the card to be generated.
Technique name: player may name their technique if they are the first to create the technique.
Action Image: the new image will be a slashed combination of both actions.
If a Gladiator is creating a technique that is already created, they will see some sort of notification letting them know this technique has already bee created.
Possible view/board to see currently created techniques created.
This will allow for over 22k new cards.
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💡 Feature Request
5 months ago
CJ Wild
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💡 Feature Request
5 months ago
CJ Wild
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